Setting up for IndieWeb, Microformats, etc...

Looks like some people over at are trying to get the ball rolling on distributed social networking and such. Looks interesting enough to give a shot, so I’ve reformatted this to be a h-entry post, and added a h-card to the bottom of this page.

Update 5/4: I’ve got an h-card, a rel=me link, and indieauth set up as an auth provider. I’ve got these posts tagged as entries within an h-feed. However, it’s still not entirely clear how this is supposed to work, mostly on the client/consumer side of things. How does one put together a feed out of individual people’s content? Allowing comments on here would be interesting too, although probably not obvious considering the pages are static html.

Currently working on getting auth (via, microsub, webmentions (via and such up and running, as maybe that’ll make thing clearer.

The webmentions system at doesn’t seem to like twitter as a webmention source, unfortunately. Tweeted a link to this post but Telegraph doesn’t detect the webmention, possibly due to Twitter not having any microformat tags?
